15 December 2011

Happy Holidays... Rules were meant to be broken?

So I as enter my second week I realized I may  be breaking my own rules already. I may post more that twice a month to this blog, bear with me.

This past Tuesday afternoon along with  Elliott Klonksy, Nina Doyle & Drew Doyle, I met  with State Senator " Big Ed" Reilly (Crofton)  for a nice 30 minute chat to help grow our grassroots effort. It was literally an eye opening experience, both sides learned from each other and I learned we need to get out and talk to the legislators and let them know what OD's are capable of doing.

Another first...Wednesday afternoon I sent a letter to  HHS Secretary Sebelius, to help the  AOA in the children's vision goal. Did you? Follow link to help.

The day was not over.. more MOA festivities, an evening at headquarters working on the 2012 budget with Jen T, Jen K, Rob and Tracie.  After 2.5 hours and some follow up work  we  will have a proposed budget to bring to the board meeting in January.

 Now I have to explain to my son why I broke my own rule. I have been telling him for years rules are not meant to be broken.. RECORDS are.

I am off to celebrate a Christmas Luncheon with my staff. Please have a great holiday season,

Talk soon


09 December 2011

A new presidents first week.

To say it was a hectic weekend would be an understatement. I have had many firsts this week, one of which is to try and resurrect this blog. My plan is to try and post 1-2 times a month so hopefully I will not clog your inbox.

Another first .. a thank you letter to Lt Gov Brown, who presented a beautiful Keynote address.

If you were at the convention you know my mantra over the next 2 years.. " leave it better than you found it" it of course is Optometry. So if I call on you over the next 2 years please consider helping.

MOA member Lamont Bunyon had the distinction of getting my first call for help when we needed representation at Joanne Benson's fundraiser, he attended with Katelin Zaluski who stepped up to help ( A future member I hope).

I had a wonderful weekend. I want to thank Rob, Jen , Megan and Kristen for pulling off a great convention and my parents and family for showing up to the installation ceremony.

If I still have your attention I would like to share one telling moment...as I was unpacking at home, I asked my youngest what he thought of the convention. "the elevators were really cool Dad"

Thanks for reading.. john